The Preemie Mom Coach helps the community by connecting families to maternal and child health resources. We offer support to families of preemies and special needs children by coaching them through their Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) journey and after discharge both locally and virtually by empowering, educating and advocating. In time, we will provide care packages to families who endure the NICU.
My Story
Welcome to The PMC! I am Kheri Monks, an IT manager by day and the Preemie Mom Coach by night. I am the wife to Justin, a mom of 3 preemies (Gem, Jax, and Jon), and bonus sons (Jayden & Thomas). I was born and raised in Baton Rouge, La and graduated from the best HBCU in the south, THE Southern University.
In 2016, I gave birth to Gem at 29 weeks due to HELLP syndrome and preeclampsia. She weighed 1lb 11oz and was a micropreemie. She was so tiny that Justin and I were able to put our wedding rings around her leg and arm. We even dressed her in Barbie doll clothes when she turned 1 month in the NICU. After enduring 80 days in the NICU, the journey has led me to become an inspirational voice and advocate for not only my babies, but for all moms and their babies. I have coached over 100 moms (and counting) through various points during their pregnancy like from bedrest, the NICU, breastfeeding, and answering questions about my NICU/preemie mom experience. I am here to coach you through any part of your journey too.
Knowing the birth challenges that minority women face and the rate of babies being born prematurely, I began sharing my story and advocating through social media platforms. I raise awareness of how life is being a preemie mom and the birth challenges that minority women face during and after pregnancy (including being home and/or on hospitalized bedrest). I became known as The Preemie Mom Coach after gaining attention from other mothers who feel a connection to me through our similar experiences. In 2019, I gave birth to another preemie, Jax, at 31 weeks. He weighed 3lbs 6oz and was large to us considering Gem's low birth weight. He was in the NICU for 51 days. Not too long after giving birth to Jax, I got pregnant with Jon. I went on the have him at 36 weeks and 5 days. He was my first baby not to go to the NICU and came home with me when I was discharged from the hospital.
The Preemie Mom Coach was organically created through over 5 years of personal experiences. I am open about my journey in hopes of improving the lives and birth outcomes of women who may be in the place I was in not too long ago.
I have a multitude of knowledge as it relates to being a Preemie mom with two unique NICU experiences. I am currently a part of the Louisiana Perinatal Quality Collaborative Safe Birth Initiative faculty, serving in the capacity to represent patient partnership, family-centered care, and equity. Click here to read more about this statewide initiative. I have been mentioned in Essence Magazine and also an integral partner in helping to form the Louisiana Office on Women's Health. I invite you to join me. Read more by clicking here: